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While we are not affiliated with any of the organizations listed here, we do think their missions are very valuable and that they are a useful resource.  Please reach out directly to them if you're interested in more information about their services.


The Legal Action Center uses legal and policy strategies to fight discrimination, build health equity, and restore opportunity for people with arrest and conviction records, substance use disorders, and HIV or AIDS.


Reentry Works helps individuals with a criminal record find job postings, access job training, and locate reentry programs in their home state.

​ has a library of resources for the state of New York, including immigration, housing and shelter, health and disability, prisoners' rights, and more.


The Center for Urban Community Services has a Housing Resource Center where you can get information and access to housing for unhoused people with psychiatric disabilities and other special needs.


CAMBA is a non-profit agency that offers several different programs to assist individuals who are facing eviction, in need of housing, or looking for technical job training.  They also offer classes on parenting skills, coaching for low income students in college, legal services, and health management/counseling services.


The Sex Workers Outreach Project (or SWOP) is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.


The Sex Workers Project by the Urban Justice Center provides legal and social services, and engages in advocacy, education, research and organizing to promote and protect the human rights of sex workers and survivors of human trafficking.


The Sex Worker Self Care Kit is an article by Self Magazine that has collected self care tips and resources from sex workers for sex workers!


The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers a live chat and telephone helpline, as well as resources to create a safety plan for you and your children, how to identify abuse, and find organizations and help local to you.


Safe Horizon operates a network of programs for survivors of all violence, but they have an especially great listing of shelters for survivors of domestic violence.


Project LETS offers a crisis support system and mental health initiative focused on non-carceral solutions.


Trans Life Line  is a crisis hotline by and for trans people. They provide peer support without police involvement.

BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color) Specific Resources

BlackLine offers crisis support and assistance for individuals who have or are currently experiencing negative interactions with law enforcement or vigilantes. 


Racial Equity Support Line provides support from those with lived experience for those experiencing all degrees of racial violence from microagressions to systemic discrimination. 


Recovery Dharma Online is a *BIPOC ONLY* organization that hosts virtual Buddhist-inspired support groups for various topics such as Co-Dependency, LGBTQ+, and gender-specific groups.  

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